Great excitement, we bought a 2000 Audi A4 today, in my favourite colour (R says this must be why I picked it out of the lineup). So will be mobile again hurrah!
Had a busy couple of weeks since getting back from Australia. Little M turned 6, and had a dress up party - which she enjoyed immensely. Kids have been to the opticians and we have Visual Therapy to do with J, but hopefully it will help. J is now officially a cub, very excited about that. Loves cubs, but missed out on the excursion today as he hasnt been very well for a couple of days - sniffles etc. They are both playing quietly downstairs with dolls and dressups. Work is hectic, was supposed to go to Venice this week but had to postpone til later on. Half term is coming up, but I dont think we will get away at all - might go to Bath in Easter break I think. Renewing kids passports - thats always fun. And big news is we have booked to go to the Dolomites in August. That is going to be GREAT!! Anyone who wants to come is invited, but let us know soon cos accommodation has to be booked. Not cheap but something we have always wanted to do - R has had a guide to Dolomites for about 15 years!!
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