New year saw us heading up to Lake St Clare for a walk from Narcissus to Echo Point (wonderful things ferries). We met up with friends from Canberra - J & M's best friends in fact. The weather was grey, windy and wet. We caught an 8am boat up the lake with our boxes portmanteau and bags...the ferry captain was highly amused when the suitcase went aboard! Dropped of M and RJ at Echo Point with all the gear - they set up the hut with all our stuff and then started walking towards Narcissus to Meet R and AS with the 4 kids.

They seriously blotted their copy books by asking us if we would alright with all the kids...so what have we been doing for the last 8 years??? For those of us getting off at Narcissus it was a long and slow walk across the boards from the landing stage (kids dont care how much they hold everyone up), but eventually got the 4 of them marshalled at the hut...made them look at it even though they didnt want to. Track conditions best described as wet, fair bit of mud about.

Little M was lapping it up...she has been really looking forward to going bushwalking and the myrtle forest is magic. J was being stoic after his experiences in the SW. We managed to get the kids about 2km down the track before RJ and M found us. Unfortunately they didnt seem to have noticed any details about the track and where totally unable to tell us how far anything was! Despite the mud it is still one of my favourite bits of the overland track and Echo Point hut is still idyllic,

although it is perhaps stretching the idyll to fill it with 4 loud and boisterous kids. They played on the beach for the entire afternoon (miraculous recovery from not being able walk another step!) Got the coal stove going and had a very comfortable afternoon and evening.

We had one person take one look at us and leave and an irishman called Richard who stayed...said he didnt mind the noise the kids made cause he was deaf and just turned of his hearing aids. In the morning all the kids and big M and AS bailed out on the ferry to Cynthia Bay while RJ and I walked out and discovered we are now only average walkers. Ah well, age has wearied us. Still raining, didnt see any sunshine until Hamilton.

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