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Sunday, October 30, 2005
At home and pub!

A beautiful weekend, we had superb weather. The kids have been playing in the backyard - here seen with the twins with whom J shared his birthday party in our backyard. As you know we no longer have a car, so on Sunday afternoon we sometimes all cycle down to the supermarket and fill our bike panniers - they are VERY heavy when we do this, which is just as well as they can fit in over 100 pounds (currency not weight) worth of groceries - thats around half weekly expenditure. And next to the supermarket is a ...pub... called the Unicorn which has a bouncy castle on Sunday afternoons. Very Civilized, R and I think this is our next career move back in Oz. What a wonderful idea. And then May slipped in a dog turd all over her trousers - thankfully we mutually decided they were worn out anyway and we could bin them - I really didnt fancy washing dog turd out of pants that were through at the knees and too short. I am so over washing poo out of childrens clothes. So she cycled back in my jumper. Days are getting shorter, although all were in t-shirts today, but we got a beautiful sunset on the way home! School starts tomorrow.

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Half term news
Been a very busy half term. Weather has been fabulous. Other than birthday capers as below the kids have been playing HARD. They went to Duxford Imperial War Museum on Tuesday, which concentrates on aeroplanes. They love it there, as does there father, I have been once and thats enough for me. To add an extra dimension to it,they of course had to go on the bus (no car still - though we have now got and cashed the insurance cheque). The bus trip turned out to be over an hour and then you have to cycle from town - its about 15-20 mins from here in the car. But they enjoyed the novelty. On Wed they went to see Wallace and Grommit which is apparently great, and then had some friends for a sleepover - which all went really well. J had tried to sleepover a couple of nights earlier at these friends place, but failed to stay the distance (again). Today its been full bore playing and then J and I went to see 'Vile Victorians' at the Theatre, an adaption of the Horrible Histories series. They are doing Victorian times at school this year. It was actually pretty good. M very peeved that she couldnt go - said for 7+ and definitely right, she would have been a bit scared by it all. Back to school on Monday, and then under 7 weeks until we leave for Oz!
Birthday news!
Well J is now 8 and we have almost recovered from the shock! He had a combined party with 2 other boys (twins) who are 8 the same week. They were all allowed to invite 5 guests each and we went to the local pool we are members of which we can get privately - its about 12x4 metres and indoor so perfect. We only allowed 3 days for invites, foolishly thinking we might get about 50% response, and all but 2 turned up!!! 16 x 8 year olds make an incredible racket - we were all deaf by the end of it, but they had a great time. That was held the day before J actual birthday, so he was a bit quiet next day, all partied out! Very much enjoyed a simple day with the aforementioned twins coming over for lunch, and then they made 'experiments' in the back yard for the rest of the day. Apparently they were creating a lifeform, out of everything they could convince me to give them from the kitchen cupboard and garden stuff. Seemed very disappointed with the disgusting gloop wouldnt arise from its bowl and walk, no matter what magic words they said. Eventually they decided the problem was they hadnt made it any bones!! J was v pleased with his presents, a dragonology book which he has devoured, a Harry Potter book (also devoured) and an introductory chemistry set - thus the rush on experimenting. So a very successful day. Meanwhile, R went climbing that day - actually I think he went for a days outing on the train!! He spent about 6 hours on trains getting somewhere that he described as being very like Linfield in Sydney (it was near Tonbridge for those who are interested) - so he wasnt too impressed. He took the camera so no shots of birthday, but here is one of the climbing - parents will be duly impressed with these priorities no doubt.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Battle of Hastings
While M and M stayed home with chicken pox, I took J and his friend Ben down to Hastings to the annual battle of hastings reenactment. A beautiful sunny day, takes about 2.5 hrs to get down to Battle Abbey in Kent (only a few miles from Hastings, and the Abbey was built after the battle, so I guess they had to call it something other than the battle of that hill with the apple tree on the road to London just outside Hastings...). The abbey is as usual a ruin, thank Henry for that (again), but quite well preserved. Reenactments are a lot of fun, there were about a hundred small boys with swords running around hitting each other, the boys had a blast. The actual reenactment was good (I forgot to get the camera out of the car so no pics), some great displays of knightly skills - chop the cabbage, hit people with the stick etc, all on horseback and on foot. There was also some falconry displays, the best bit was the black kite who decided to make a bid for freedom and just took off and kept going.

We stayed overnight at the YHA and did a beach crawl back up the south coast this morning - Winchelsea Beach (rocks)
Romney Sands at Dungeness - rocks.
and finally the beach at Dymchurch - sand!!
We had to wait for the tide to go out so looked at the local Martello towers, built to repel Napoleon. After a while on the beach the sun came out and so did the local donkey handlers, so the boys had a donkey ride to cap off their weekend. Both pretty tired and starting to bait each other by the time we got back to Cambridge, I think we made it just in time to avoid a major fight in the car!

We stayed overnight at the YHA and did a beach crawl back up the south coast this morning - Winchelsea Beach (rocks)

and finally the beach at Dymchurch - sand!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005
And chicken pox!!

Finally after years of intensive deliberate exposure to other kids with chicken pox little M has finally caught it! She is pretty good natured about it, but devastated that she is not allowed to go to school. (J had it as a baby.) Never great timing, but we were all going to Hastings for the 1066 reenactment this weekend - now the girls will be staying home!! J is taking one of his friends, its his birthday treat. I am sure they will have a great time. We have had a hectic week, R has been on a training course for being a School Governor - yes he is an upright citizen now. One of my graduate students has arrived for a month to finish off her thesis (free babysitting hurrah). We have had glorious weather the past month, its even been over 20 degrees! Balmy, we are waiting for the snap change that will inevitably come this time of year - leaves are all yellowing and falling from the trees. I can understand how people get depressed as winter starts to set in, it does feel a long way to spring. Thankfully we have a trip to Oz planned in the middle of it. It will be half term shortly, which means a week off for the kids. No real plans, just some stuff around here and perhaps into London. Kids are enjoying just having life around here currently. Life is good. The picture is of our street, we are the first house on the left of the picture, which is the end of the row so actually has a side yard. Sorry its late evening so a bit dark. We seem to be having a picture hiatus at the moment, will promise to reform and take more photos!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Skater kids and Indian summer

Glorious day today, we had evening in the park after school and it felt like it was still summer. But its not going to last long now, the leaves are starting to turn. A couple of photos of the kids on their skates, getting pretty good now, J can even jump (he also tries to encourage R to jump, but whenever he tries he lands painfully so he has learnt not to be egged on by his son, long may it last). R arrived back this evening, so life returns to normal, whatever that is! J has developed an interest in guitar, so here he is!

Monday, October 03, 2005
An Epic Party Adventure
Foolishly little M had accepted a party invitation for Sunday. Big M had of course completely neglected the fact that we no longer have a car and R would be away.. meaning it would have to be approached on cycle. No problem... but to avoid the busy main road and potential loss of life and limb we had to go via the approved cycleways, which was a LONG way round. The kids did really well, but it was an hours cycling to get there. The party was at one of those indoor kids gyms, so then they played madly for 2 hours.... and then it was time to cycle home again. And of course we had seen a great park on the way so we stopped there for 45 minutes (it was good had a skate ramp that you could use as a slide once you figured out how to get up it - the kids not me - and a flying fox which even I had a go on). So we left home at 10am and got back at 3pm. Thankfully it was cold but clear. Rain would have been the last straw. Needless to say all collapsed on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. Though J and I made cheese and bacon rolls for his lunch the next day which he greatly enjoyed, but they were apparently best straight out of the oven (as they often are!) Next time I will look at the map more closely!!!! R is back tomorrow - hurrah! All my work comrades are laughing at my perpetual state of exhaustion - actually I think it was going swimming on Sat then mega epic party ride on Sunday has done me in. Clearly not got the stamina for full time parenthood!! I do know I have the easy job!!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Rain and Bones

Rain! About time, I needed a rest day. Went sightseeing today, big drive out to Hradek Kralovie to the East of Praha, in the driving rain. The curse of the driving tourist is roadworks and diversions - and we had some doozies today. We got there in the end though. Lovely 'little' town on a river, the old town was obviously walled at some point, it is up on pronounced rise in otherwise flat ground.

Matt and Jen were very restrained while we navigated around, M & I would have been yelling at each other! Had lunch at HK, walked around the town square (in rain) then headed off to Kutna Hora to see the bone church and cathedral. Once you get off the highway the roads get a lot smaller and the travel times blow out. Not quite as bad as UK though.

The ossuary in Kutna Hora is amazing (those who follow the Portmans blog will already know about it), they had about 30,000 plague victims who went there to die and another 10,000 or so vicitims of the Hussite wars 'buried' in the grounds. Apparently the bones were originally stacked outside but the monks made huge piles of them in the church, then later the Schwarzenburgs,

who owned the area, got the best woodcarver in Czech to redecorate. Totally amazing, I think it tops the head of John the Baptist in Amiens and the Hand of sir whatsit in Norwich! All these towns were obviously incredibly wealthy in the past, silver was mined throughout the area apparently.
Tomorrow it will be a quiet day poking around Praha.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
On the home front
While R is off sunning himself in Prague, we are battling on in (non) sunny Cambridge. Kids v concerned to be left to tender mercies of mother alone ('Are you sure you can cope Mum?') but now refusing to talk on phone to father - this makes me feel better as they always refuse to talk to me when I am away. We are all having fun. Done the round of gymnastics on Thursday which seems to be going down well and drama on Friday. Drama teacher asked me what we fed J on as he has too much energy, buoncing off the walls and tho full of good ideas is easily led astray!! He loves this teacher, I think she is really great with them, Little M has really really benefited from this class. Its the highlight of the week for them and the thing voted least likely to want to give up. J had been playing in the mud at school and was delighted to be christened 'The Mud Magnet' by the drama teacher - I think that is a name that will be around for a while. Trouble is now he wants to live up to it! Today we went swimming and then did some crafty type stuff - J is right into puppetry after making puppets last term at school. We are all enjoying having a bit more living space. Tomorrow is a big day as May has a party to attend on the other side of town and we will be riding our bikes over - I think that will take care of the entire day!

More good weather and great climbing (Matt leading of course). We headed up to Roviste in a hire car today, about 1.5 hours driving. No problems until we got to the end of the narrow dirt road and couldnt figure out where the cliff was...you get that if you cant read the guide book! Turned out we were in the right place anyway (had to ask directions) and set off for a punishing 10min walk to the cliff. Granite cliff about 20-30m mostly, bolts every 2m on most climbs. We did 4 routes (except me who only did 3, didnt want to overdo it! Dinner at a micro brewery in town here and then Jen and I took the tram up to the castle and walked back into the city over the Charles bridge, very picturesque. If the weather holds we are off to another area called Boren tomorrow.
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