Having abandoned Mt St Michel as being incredibly crowded (as well as beautiful) and it being quite hot we nipped up the coast to Granville. Just on a whim, I had read somewhere it was supposed to be nice. It was certainly popular - took us ages to find a car park, but then of course we found the virtually empty one just down the road!! A walk around the point through the old part of town to the beautiful beach.... a lovely few hours in the warm water toasting ourselves. Trying not to disgrace ourselves by getting too sunburnt.

The tide goes in and out a long way here - see the Mt St Michel pictures below - and so as the afternoon wore on there was progressively less sand. We beat a retreat back up the hill through the wall and into the old town. Really beautiful old streets for wandering around. The old Norman church was fascinating, lots of bits and pieces regarding fishing, with one of the side altars containing a small fishing boat. It is a really heavy old building, with small windows, and these things must be very solid as often the churches were the only things that withstood the bombings. There were bunkers right behind the church - R thinks probably Napoleonic maybe a magazine. Lots of more modern bunkers right up on the point. Incredible views each way up and down the coast. Then back to the villa for an evening beer and more food!

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