First adventure was to get across the channel - having carefully shopped around for all the best deals we were almost sunk when National Rail wanted to charge us 186 pounds for the Cambridge-London tickets - more than it cost us to get to France!! But after missing a few trains we found the right combination and got it to a mere snip at 80 pounds return (for 7 of us thats not so bad - scarey right). Survived that OK, then after a pleasant Eurostar crossing complete with English sporting louts in our carriage who demolished at least 4 bottles of whisky and umpteem beer cans on the crossing we arrived at Lille. Very easy car pick up and then found our hotel - R even managed to ask for directions at the local hardware store to find it. The hotel decor was excellent! Note madam reclining on the best lounges we have ever seen. We really want some for our next decorating drive. But it was a great hotel for families as the rooms were centred around a courtyard with bar where the adults could sit while the children were sleeping. Great arrangment and of course quite a few families there as a result.
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