Its been a sporty kind of few weeks. The kids had sports day on Friday. J excelled himself by throwing second in both the javelin and the shot put. He was great! Little M won the 500m and second in the 100m and we think she won the hurdles also - here she is in hurdling action. R has been playing cricket for Jesus (college that is, but he loves to tell everyone), and for those who havent caught up with him recently, here is the slimline version. We are very busy, selling things (the car is next as soon as its had its MOT), throwing things out at a great rate of knots, I am selling on ebay now too - the kids beds! Trying to get our finances sorted and of course the full horror of having the Canberra house fail to even attract any bidders at auction. We are trying to ignore that one - perhaps should have taken the ANU job after all. We leave in 8 weeks, before then we intend to have at last trip to Rome, all booked and we figure by then it will be all over bar the shouting!! Kids finish school on Tuesday and are now enrolled in school in Tasmania. So progress is happening. Any last minute requests for things to be brought over from Europe should be lodged now - as they will need to be coming on the boat, as we are limited to 20k each on the plane, not that much when you think thats all we will have for at least 3 months (not like some people we know whose companies airfreight their goods, no such luxury for academics!)

1 comment:
The big countdown. Trying to time selling of beds with a pick up the day before you leave, then sleeping in a hotel near airport on your last night? Very surreal experience, becoming a tourist(living out of a suitcase) in a town you have been living in for so long.
Slimline R looks hot!
I will cross my fingers that your 20k bags get to Aus when you do.
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