J's 10th birthday has been celebrated in style at the Shepreth Wildlife park. We took a few of his friends on the train from Cambridge...it is only 2 stops away and the wildlife park is right next to the station (20min ride for everyone this end though to get to the station). They all had a fantastic time, you cant go wrong with a zoo for small boys!
We took Grandma to Sutton Hoo to see the saxon ship burial mounds and museum...they found a major royal burial there in the early 20th century. Lots of fungi which fascinates little M (a lot of pictures of fungi taken).

I took Grandma out to Castle Rising with the kids...beautiful keep and huge ditch and bank (Isabella, the she wolf of france, lived there a number of years). The village there has a delightful tea room, very rustic. J has been hassling us to take grandma to castle rising the whole time as it is his favourite castle.

Grandma has gone back home now, J was very upset and couldnt sleep.
I haven't caught up with Grandma yet but really looking forward to seeing her this weekend!
Glad you had a happy birthday J!
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