Saturday, November 17, 2007
Winter closing in...
We had our first frost on Wedensday night, the dew was frozen on the car windscreens outside our flat by 7pm and everything white in the morning. Big coats and gloves all round. M is in Ireland at the moment, just and overnight trip so no drama. Grandma is very fortunate to have got out before the cold really started to set in. M is off again at the end of the week to US and NZ so she at least will be warm!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Big News!
M has accepted the chair of Economics and Finance at Tas Uni so we will be going back to Tas. A chance to frighten the children with their Tasmanian extended family! We wont be leaving until October 2008, and M will continue here association with Cambridge for the next 4 years or so. We are planning to have 2 summers in a row, but since we are going from England to Tasmania that might require a bit of luck!
10th Birthday Celebrations

J's 10th birthday has been celebrated in style at the Shepreth Wildlife park. We took a few of his friends on the train from is only 2 stops away and the wildlife park is right next to the station (20min ride for everyone this end though to get to the station). They all had a fantastic time, you cant go wrong with a zoo for small boys!
We took Grandma to Sutton Hoo to see the saxon ship burial mounds and museum...they found a major royal burial there in the early 20th century. Lots of fungi which fascinates little M (a lot of pictures of fungi taken).

I took Grandma out to Castle Rising with the kids...beautiful keep and huge ditch and bank (Isabella, the she wolf of france, lived there a number of years). The village there has a delightful tea room, very rustic. J has been hassling us to take grandma to castle rising the whole time as it is his favourite castle.

Grandma has gone back home now, J was very upset and couldnt sleep.
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