We have been staying fairly close to home since moving in to the new place. We get wonderful sunsets from the loungroom window (smog over the M11 helps with the colour!).
M has been to the US and Aus, just back this week. She brought her mum with her, so the kids are over the moon with Mummy and Grandma to play with. Mummy and Grandma are still going to sleep about the same time as the kids, and up early to talk to J so it all works rather well!
One of our old friends from Tasmania, Scott, has been to stay for a few days and sampled the delights of a Cambridge autumn...we took him to the local museums and down to see the air museum at Duxford. Most importantly of course I took him punting and down to Grantchester for a scone. Heading into birthday season now...my birthday next week and J's just after. J wants to go to the zoo with just 6 or 7 close friends which could be a bit wearing. Probably have to go to London since his best friend at the moment gets really car sick really quickly and we can go to London on the train.
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