M took the kids to a puppet show at the junction Saturday morning - a german puppeteer living in England performing an aboriginal story. They saw the story of Tiddalick the frog that drank all the water in the world. Little M crashed her bike on the way over, it is too small for her, so we went to look at bikes for J - they had agreed that Little M would have his bike and he would get a bigger second hand bike. Decided instead to do up one of the wrecks in the garden so purchased new seat, hand grips, bell, brake pads, lights, tyres and inner tubes and spent pleasand hour or two fixing up the old bike. Sadly it is still cheaper to buy a new bike than fix an old one, but he now has a bike with 24inch wheels instead of 20inch wheels. They both look so grown up!
In the late afternoon we went to the Red Bull - they were celebrating 1 year under new management with hog roast, bouncy castle AND bucking bull ride. No pictures yet (havent worked out how to load them from the phone) but only 1pound a go so both kids had a turn. Little M very stylish in her miniskirt. We think she most enjoyed the way her hair swished over her face as the bull went round. J also enjoyed it enormously.
Sunday was big birthday party for Finn and Darragh so R took J to that and then took little M to the Clare Hall pool, then over to visit Naama, Alon and Michal until the party finished (Naama's big brother was their too). Alon and R had fun adjusting one of Alons old bikes for Orie.
A very Cambridge weekend!
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