A busy weekend! On Saturday M took the kids to buy new shoes in Colchester and then on to the zoo to see elephants (for some reason the kids have been desperate to see elephants since we got to england). A big hit, they came home with a toy tiger each as apparently we do not currently have enough soft toys. R went for a couple of hours ride...M is off to the US for three nights next week so need to get some r&r in now!

Sunday wet and grey so of course this is the day little M decides she wants an adventure - specifically she wanted to go climbing. Managed to sell her the idea of walking around in the rain as an alternative and drove out to Devils Dyke. This one of a number of saxon ditch and mound structures (all of which seem to be called devils dyke) in this area. It runs 12 miles in a fairly straight line cutting across the line of no less than 3 roman roads. Apparently it was intended to keep the roman british at arms length in 600-700ad. Starts in a swamp and ends in forest/swamp. Masses of beautiful snails out and about...a number were observed to be reproducing. All got soaking wet and muddy so lots of fun.

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