Next day dawned gloriously sunny, though still fairly brisk! We drove down to Dorchester, which is a lovely town, and went to the 'world famous dinosaur museum' which was pretty good. Havent seen J so excited for ages - jumping around so much I doubt he looked at anything! Then on to THE BEACH. We had booked a caravan break for 4 nights but one doesnt get in until 4pm here, so we stopped at West Bay which is the first beach near where we were - all gravel of course, and R and the fossil hound went fossil hunting. A good time was had by all. Then on to Charmouth, which is one of the great fossil hunting beaches - and it was GOOD. Had everything, sand, sea, river, fossils.... and the sun shone (tho I doubt it got about double figures temperature wise the whole time we were there).

We had a great time finding fossils of ammomites and shells and looking in the mudslides and cliffs. We walked on the Cobb at Lyme. R and J walked back from Lyme Regis to Charmouth one day and while J skipped daintily across the mud, R SANK and only escaped by abandoning his shoes and crawling out. Unfortunately I have no pictures but it sounds pretty funny. J said he was going to write school holidays reports of My Dad Fell in the Quicksand - I cant wait!!

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