After the epic plane flight home (only 40 hours door to door you know)and the obligatory spak in Melbourne from May we are back in Tas, and its WARM, and smells of gum leaves and

we went to the beach at 5am (jet lag you know) and its all rather a wonderful escape from English winter......

this is the beach we could never be bothered going to as kids because just wasnt as good as Kingston beach just over the hill (not enough fish and chip shops).

R's parents have had a deck put on the front of their house, quite a nice place to sit in the sun and watch the Syndey-Hobart boats coming in.
J and R are off walking from Melaleuca to New Harbour in South West Tassie, flew in by small plane yesterday and are hopefully (weather permitting) being picked up Boxing Day. A real adventure- stay posted for all sorts of great pictures. Meantime little M and I are slothing with the relatives. 3 weeks before we head back to winter! Merry Christmas to you all!
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