Sunday, November 27, 2005

Blondie Rocks!

R's birthday present finally came about last night - we went to the Blondie concert here in Cambridge!!! Most of our lives when we have been able to go to concerts we have never lived anywhere they came. It was really great - incredible performance. Deborah Harry has an amazing stage presence. They played all the old hits at great rate of knots, no mucking around between songs it was relentless. Lots of 40-50 year old men in the audience, and a lot of Blondie wannabees in various stages of decay! Was very funny in that the audience would all be encouraged to clap away, hands over heads, as one does at rock concerts, but everyone is too old to sustain the clapping like we used to - arms hurt and gentle swaying is substituted!! God knows what our generation will be like in another 10 years!! Will we nod politely along? Though of course one has to adjust the degree of emotion expressed for the fact that a) this is England and b) this is Cambridge!!! Not overly known for expressive enjoyment of anything really. Could have been different in Sydney (or even Canberra).
For their treat the kids went to a childrens theatre called Them With Tails, which was wonderful - a real treat here is the quality of children's theatre. This group is 2 young men in their late 20s who specialise in winding up small boys (my interpretation). They were great, really high energy, and really enjoyed playing with the kids incorporating it in the performance. Different from the last equally high quality thing we went to which was all about enchanting them with stories.
M has her end of year drama performance this Monday - she is going to be a mouse which she chose (costume by mum of course). The school end of year event is also coming up - bit of a contentious event in our house - J is getting to be a chorus member, which he is feeling keenly, and M is Mary, which of course being her she doesnt give 2 figs for!! At least I dont have to do the costume.

1 comment:

Lib said...

Must be the season for concerts. I went to the DEC to see John Fogarty and he really rocks! (of Creedence Clearwater Revival fame). It was a week night and the old lady managed to stay out until late AND go to a course the next day and get through without a catnap. I got my Creedence cds out the next weekend and I think Mike is about sick of them now!