Tuesday, September 13, 2005

and off we go again...

Tomorrow is last day at the Fund. Gave a seminar here today which went pretty well.
Shopped til I dropped, well worked til I dropped then went shopping for a change of scenery - the US is so much cheaper than the UK (and did anyone mention the decline in the $ - US that is not AUD). And it was sale time, though I did manage to avoid buying any shoes cos I dont reeeeeeeaaaaally need them (even though I did want them!). Thats shopping for the next 3 years for me anyway. US is a great place to clothes shop cos unlike the UK everything comes in MEGA sizes and makes one feel almost petite!! Well at least normal.
Next stage of the latest adventure is off to Princeton, where it is forecast to rain for most of the time. Oh well, apparently there is not that much to see other than the University. I will let you know. We apparently have internet back on at the new house now - so hopefully R will get to putting up some more pictures soon.
Looking forward to being home soon.

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