Sunday, June 19, 2005

Summer is Here!!!

Finally summer! Its actually been moderately hot this weekend, 32 degrees today - particularly for a place where we live in an apartment on the top floor which gets hottest of them all. And you guessed it everyone (bar the Australians) has been steadfastly roasting themselves on the lawns - expect to see lots of red lobsters walking the streets the next few days.
Some of our good friends left this weekend, so we had a lovely garden party in our spacious backyard (it really is lovely, more like a botanical gardens than anything else - the property is called southacre for a reason). The photos are taken about 8.30pm - note all the sunshine! We were very excited. Supposedly it will even be nice for the rest of the week. (We must have been here too long we are obsessing with the weather). Kids had a great time.

Ross and Deborah - badminton pros! Posted by Hello
Photo is Ross playing badminton on the back lawn and Andre looking after the children!!!!!! It is still light until after 10pm now, but of course we get the longest day next week (sad).

Andre doing quality childcare Posted by Hello


Portmans said...

I've just finished my latest blog entry and it sounds very similar to yours, had to laugh, I've called the entry "Summer Solstice (or Bleepingly long days)". We are due for a stinker this week too. Heard it's been snowing in Australia.
Must square up account please supply details to Big M.

Lib said...

Sounds good - I'm coming over! We are getting pretty cold now, temps 3C at night. N is colder out at Broke -3C!