Grandad has been hassling all week to go to Mt Field...kept getting out the map and pointing to where he wanted to go, so in spite of some rain this morning (which brought a prolonged bout of what sounded like swearing from Grandad) we set out up the Derwent Valley (he very definitely said hooray when we said we would go anyway). He sits in the front passenger seat and keeps an eye on speed (dont go too fast or slow), what gear you are in and what lane you are is very annoying. Stopped at his friend Ian's place for morning tea and to pick a couple of cases of Ian and Sue's wine (they have a few acres of vines) and then off to Mt Field. Grandad managed to walk most of the 1.3km track to the falls and back but we weren't allowed to hang about afterwards and had to come straight home.
Sue flies home in the morning - looks like I will have to get up VERY EARLY to take her to the airport. I am off home on Tuesday. With luck I will catch up with Ben for one last climb at the gym tomorrow