School ended on Friday, half term holidays now. We have 2 very tired children! Portmen left on Monday for Prague VERY early (MP booked the tickets for them). The sunrise was beautiful as we drove down to Stansted. The final weekend with JP&N was fairly quiet, the kids went to the cinema with M senior, JP&R were going to head to London, but the weather was rubbish, and the BBC weather cam in London showed it pretty much the same there, so JP decided she was going to be back here sometime anyway and why bother getting soaked?
R&JA went to see a reenactment of gladiatorial games at Flag Fen yesterday, a lot of fun and gory! JA got a chance to compare injuries with some 'real' romans (he dropped his shield on his toe a couple of weeks ago and the nail has gone black)the guys doing the reenactment sympathised and said they'd all done that!

Gladiatorial Games

MD&RA have been learning to dance...very amusing. This week we learned the tango, although MD insists I am putting in extra steps to confuse her (I think she just doesnt do it properly).